Hole-by-Hole Tour Individuals
When you reach the eighth hole, congratulations as you have reached your first breather. Of course the hole has water right and out of bounds left.
You’ll have a generous landing area between the fairway bunkers left and right and the prevailing wind will be helping. From the landing area you will have about 140 to 160 yards to the green.
This shot is uphill so take a little extra club. If you avoid the fairway bunkers you should have a good chance for a birdie putt.
This is the hardest hole and #1 handicap hole on the course and there are plenty of reasons for that distinction. The tee shot is very intimidating and you’ll need to focus on the fairway and not all the potential trouble you’re facing.
You have a significant carry to get over the water and if you push or pull the shot you have water right and natural preserve on the left. An ideal drive would be aimed at the fairway bunker with a slight right to left curve.
Since this hole is 433 yards from the back tee you most likely will be facing a second shot that will also require accuracy and some length. This green tilts back to front so if you can hit a high shot into the green you shouldn’t have much trouble holding the putting surface. Once on the green be careful of the subtle breaks and make sure you have looked at your putt all around.
This hole provides even the long hitters a real challenge. It is wide open, but trouble does lurk. Standing on the back tee you’ll have a lake to carry with your first shot. It is about a 220 yard carry to the right and 275 yard carry if you go to the left.
Your second shot will need to navigate between water on your right and if you’re long enough you might reach water on the left. You have a pretty generous landing area but you’ll need to be aware of the water right and left.
Your third shot most likely will be a short iron into a shallow green front to back but fairly wide. Golfers will want to guard going long and make sure your shot stays on the same side as the pin.
The fifth hole is a slight dogleg to the right. The hole seems innocent, but trying to drive it down near the green brings a lot of trouble into play. Abundant vegetation lines the right side of the fairway as you encounter a nature preserve.
A quiet and secluded green awaits you, sheltered by a cove of trees. Just take note of the thoughtfully-placed sand bunker.
This par 3 is picturesque and is the second par 3 on the front. The front of the green slopes back. The last quarter of the putting surface slopes down and away from the tee.
If your tee shot lands just over the slope in the putting surface you may find yourself chipping out of the trees behind the green. This green is protected by sand bunkers to the right and the only room you have right of the green is the cart path which has trees lining the left side of it.
Left has lots of trouble so think positive and see the shot into the pin.
This par 5 is another opportunity to pick up a lost stroke. From the back tee you’ll have a 200 yard carry to get over the water and if you push your drive you might end up in a lateral hazard, so it’s better to stay a little down the left on your drive.
There are bunkers right and left about midway down the fairway and if you hit two good shots they shouldn’t be a problem, but miss hit one of your shots and you’ll find yourself with a long sand bunker shot into the green. On your second shot you need to be aware of the water and sand bunkers left, plus if you hit down the right side of the fairway the ball has a tendency to funnel down toward the green. Just like the second shot the green is guarded on the left and right by sand bunkers. The putting surface is long and slopes back to front. This should be a relative short iron into the green so take advantage and with some good shots you can get another shot back with a birdie.
Number two is our #5 handicap hole and our signature hole which is 239 yards from the back tees. The hole has trouble up front, both sides and long is out of bounds. If that’s not enough to get your heart rate up, it’s directly into the prevailing southern winds.
It’s important to be aware of the trouble but make sure you approach this hole with positive thoughts before you pull the trigger. Be confident and have fun.
The first hole is fairly short and has a wide fairway. Be careful; you have out of bounds left and a lake on the right. This hole is definitely reachable in two but just over the green is water, so don’t be long. The hole placement on the right side of the green can be difficult to navigate and the best play may be to the middle of the green. Take aim and get one or two strokes back.